Thursday, August 6, 2009

Allotment and Posting in Group-A Cadre

Memo No. Staff/G-11/Class-I/P/Ch.VI. Dated at Patna 05.08.2009.

The orders of the Competent Authority communicated vide Directorate, New Delhi letter no. 4-6/2008-SPG dated 28.07.2009, regarding appointment of the following officers of Postal Service Group ‘B‘ to officiate on regular basis in the Junior Time Scale of Indian Postal Service Group ‘A’ in the Pay Band (PB-3) Rs.15600-39100 with Grade pay 5400 with effect from the date of assumption of charge is hereby conveyed. The officers on promotion to JTS are allotted/posted as under:-

Sl. No./Name of the Officer/Present Circle/Circle to which Allotted
1. Shri P. K. Mishra/ Bihar/ Bihar
2. Shri Satyakam/Bihar /Jharkhand

2. The Competent Authority is further pleased to order the following allotment and transfer/posting in JTS of IPS Group ‘A’ grade in the interest of service with immediate effect.

Sl. No./ Name of the Officer/Present Circle- Posting / Region to which Allotted-Posting/ Remarks
1. Shri P. K. Mishra/ Bihar SSPOs, Chapra /Central Region & Posted as SSPOs, Gaya /Vice Shri Satyakam allotted to Jharkhand Circle.

3. Shri Manoj Kumar SSRM ‘PT’ Dn., Patna will hold additional charge of SSPOs, Gaya till joining of Shri P. K. Mishra and relieve Shri Satyakam, SSPOs, Gaya immediately to enable him to join his new place of posting on promotion as per orders issued by Jharkhand Circle.

4. Vigilance/Disciplinary case, if any

In case any Vig./disc. case of the type referred to OM N0. 22022/4/91-Estt. (A) dated 14.09.92 from DO P&T circulated vide Directorate memo no.25-19/88-SPG dated 13.10.92 is pending against any of the officers he should not be relieved for posting without obtaining specific orders from Directorate. The officers against whom any punishment is current should not be promoted before expiry of currency of punishment. A report in this regard be submitted immediately to this office.
5. Fiixation of pay

All the officer who wish to give option for choosing date for fixation of pay under FR-22 (1) (a) (1) should do so within one month from the date of promotion/ assumption of charge.

6. No representation regarding re-allotment from any of the officers will be entertained in any case unless he joins the promotional post and the request for re-allotment is recommended by the concerned Head of Circle.

7. Relevant charge report may be sent to all concerned.

(L. K. Sinha)
Asstt. Director (Staff & Rectt.)
Bihar Circle, Patna.

A Copy of this memo is issued for information and necessary action to: -

1. The Director General (SPG Section), Deptt. of Posts, New Delhi – 110 001 DTE’s order 4-6/2008-SPG dated 28.07.2009.
2 The Postmaster General, (North), Muzaffarpur for information and necessary action..
3. The Director Accounts (P), Patna.
4. The Director P.T.C., Darbhanga.
5. The Chief Postmaster, Patna G. P. O.
6. All Sr./Supdt. of Post Offices in Bihar Circle.
7. All Sr./Supdt. of RMS in Bihar Circle.
8. The Supdt. PSD, Patna/Muzaffarpur
9. The Supdt. CSD, Patna.
10. All Officers in Circle Office, Patna.
11. The Manager, Mail Motor Service, Patna.
12. Officers concerned.
13. O/S, C.O., Patna & Spare.

(L. K. Sinha)
Asstt. Director (Staff & Rectt.)
Bihar Circle, Patna.

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