Saturday, April 6, 2013

Reply received from Directorate to RTI query

No. 7-10/2013-SPB-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

 New Delhi, dated the 28th March, 2013.      

Shri Vilas Ingale,
CHQ Qtr. No. 12,
P&T Colony, Khurshid Squae,
Civil Line, Delhi – 110054. 
Subject : Supply of information under Right to Information Act, 2005. 
             Please refer to your application dated 06.03.2013 seeking information under RTI Act, 2005. The requisite information is as under:- 


Total sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts on the establishment of each Circle as on 1/1/2013.

1 to 3.1 Information asked for by you is not available with the o/o undersigned. Therefore, the same is not covered under Section 2(f) of the RTI Act, 2005. As Inspector Posts are Circle cadre, the requisite information would be available with concerned Circles. You may contact CIPOs of various Postal Circles. The names of CIPOs are available on the website of India Post.


Also provide separately for Direct Quota (through SSC) & Promotion Quota (LDCE).


Total working strength of Inspector Posts on the establishment of each Circle as on 1/1/2013.


Also provide separately for Direct Quota (through SSC) & Promotion Quota (LDCE).


Total number of vacant posts of Inspector Posts on the establishment of each           Circle as on 1/1/2013.


Also provide separately for Direct Quota (through SSC) & Promotion Quota   (LDCE).


Total number of Inspector Posts allotted to each Circle by SSC from the year 2003 to 2012 and number of candidates joined from the said allotment and number of posts remained vacant year wise from the year 2003 to 2012.

4. Information asked for by you has not been compiled in the o/o undersigned. Therefore, the same cannot be furnished to you as the RTI Act does not allow a CPIO to compile the information and then furnish the same to the applicant.


Please provide the copies of requisitions sent by DOP to Staff Selection Commission from the year 2003 to 2012 for filling up Direct Quota vacancies of Inspector Posts in DOP.

4.1 You are hereby informed that the requisite documents consist of 50 pages (approx.) in all. In terms of instructions of the Department of Personnel and Training for providing information under Sub Section (i) of Section 7 of the RTI Act, 2005, you may deposit Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) by cash against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers cheque payable to the Accounts Officer, Departmental of Posts, New Delhi under intimation to the undersigned so that copies of the requisite documents could be furnished to you.


Please provide the copies of reply received from SSC to DOP i/c/w above item.

4.2 No reply is given by SSC in the matter. After requisitions from the Department, SSC nominates candidates on the basis of result of Combined Graduate Level Examination.


Please intimate the total number of Inspector Posts (Direct Rectt Quota) not available as on 1/1/2013 due to their non-joining the post in each circle year wise from the year 2003.

4.3 to 5.2 Information asked for by you is not available with the o/o undersigned. Therefore, the same is not covered under Section 2(f) of the RTI Act, 2005. As Inspector Posts are Circle cadre, the requisite information would be available with concerned Circles. You may contact CIPOs of various Postal Circles. The names of CIPOs are available on the website of India Post.


Please intimate the number of Inspector Posts (Direct Rectt Quota), who left the jobs after joining in the Inspector Posts cadre in each circle year wise from the year 2003.


Please intimate how many of them have joined post carrying Grade pay of Rs.4600/- in other organisation/Department/Institutions.


Please intimate how many direct recruit Inspector Posts took transfer under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV from allotted circle to other circle and give the details of such transfers.


Intimate steps taken by the DOP to prevent the drainage of Direct Rectt Inspector Posts.

6. The information asked for by you is not available in material form and therefore the same is not covered under Section 2 (f) of the RTI Act, 2005.

  2.       Appeal against above decision lies with Director (Staff), Department of Posts, DAk Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110116 within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

 Yours faithfully, 
(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN) &
Central Public Information Officer.

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