Sunday, December 1, 2013

Declaration of revised and recast Result of Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre of Inspector of Posts Examination for the year 2012 held from 13th and 14th October, 2012

Directorate vide memo No. A-34013/07/2013-DE(pt) dated 25th November 2013, has declared revised and recast result of the departmental examination for promotion to the cadre of Inspector of Posts Examination for the year 2012 held on 13th and 14th October, 2012. 

S/Shri Jamit Amrutlal Patel (Gujrat), Praveen Chandra Pant (Jharkhand) and Soumya Pramanik (WB) have  been selected additionally and appointed them against any existing / future vacancies of the respective circles.

To view the copy of result, please CLICK HERE.

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